2024 is the 125th Anniversary of the First Shot fired in the Artillery Range, Glen Imaal, County Wicklow, Ireland.

To mark the occasion, the Artillery Club has commissioned a paper, titled The Glen @ 125 which captures extracts from print media, An tÓglách, An Cosantóir and publications, regarding the First Shot fired by the Royal Artillery on 23 May 1899 and the First Shot fired by the Artillery Corps on 01 September 1925.  For completeness, Key Events and Recollections associated with The Glen are also included.

Researched and compiled by Brigadier-General Paul Pakenham (Retd), the paper is dedicated to all personnel of The Artillery Corps, past and present, who deployed to the Glen Imaal for live firing exercised, and to those who supported them in the field, including the Ordnance Corps, Medical Corps and Air Corps.

Link to the Artillery Club’s paper titledGlen Imaal – 125 Years On: Glen Imaal – 125 Years On (PP 23 May 24)

This is a parallel posting of a portfolio of Glen photographs down through the ages.

Whereas it is impossible to individually credit the numerous photographers whose photographs are included in this particular album, the Artillery Club has taken the liberty of availing of photographs, previously credited, from An tÓglách,, An Cosantóir, The Irish Artillery Corps Since 1922 by Ralph A. Riccio, and finally from personnel of the Artillery Corps – past and present.

The Artillery Club will welcome any additional photographs, provided from all quarters, for inclusion in this Glen @ 125 Anniversary Album.

In this context the Historian Mr Liam Kenny kindly  provided photographs taken by Ms Orla O’Sullivan, on the occasion of the West Wicklow History Society’s visit to The Glen on 23 May 2024, and Liams’s subsequent presentation inn The  Brown Hal, Coolmoney Camp, marking the 125th Anniversary of the First Round fired in The Glen.

To view slide show, please click on any photograph: http://